Tuesday, May 23, 2006

First CSA pick up!

The first pick up at the Blooming Glen Farm CSA was today - one week early! Some of the crops were apparently inspired by the unseasonably warm weather :o)

The first booty from the farm included:

one bunch of basil
one head of red lettuce
one head of green lettuce
eight turnips
one bunch of radishes
3/4 pound of salad greens
1/2 pound of spinach
3/4 pound of kale

(Click on the image at right for a close-up.)

The first thing we noticed when we walked into the building was the smell of the basil. Deee-licious! There were a couple families on their way out, and inside, there was a man and a woman. Tricia (the farmer momma) showed us how the pick up process worked, pointing out a white board with the list of crops and the quantity each member should receive. Avery Cain and I split up the list and filled our canvas shopping bags. On our way out, we visited the children's garden where Avery played in the tepee. Fun!

On the way home we waved to Rosenberger's Red Angus cows (with their new babies!) and stopped at Bolton's to get milk and eggs. I think that the Bolton's stop will become part of the weekly CSA pick up routine - it's right on our way home :o)

Favorite CSA item of the week:
The lettuce. Never in my life have I seen a head of lettuce and remarked to those around me how beautiful it was. The lettuce is gorgeous. I'm not kidding - look!

It's so soft and pretty. Oh, and it tastes good, too :o)

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